Are you getting ready to move to another state and need to know how to transfer your licensed vocational nurse (LVN) license? LVN licenses are issued by states, and if you wish to work in a different state from where your license was issued, you will need to have your license transferred to the new state. However, just how does one go about this?
Transferring through Reciprocity
When states allow licensing reciprocity, what it means to you is that so long as your license meets the minimum requirements of your new state, you can transfer it with little hassle. To find out if your state has reciprocity with the state you are moving to, you will need to contact your new state's Board of Nursing.
If you find out that your state has reciprocity, you will need to complete an "Application for Enrollment by Reciprocity" and submit it to the new state. There is typically a small fee you will need to pay. Depending on the state where you are moving to, you may have several options to submit your application: fax, email, certified mail or in person.
Transferring without Reciprocity
If you cannot transfer your LVN license through reciprocity, you will need to contact the new state's Licensing Board and find out about their licensing requirements. Typically, you will need to complete a specified amount of continuing education courses and retake the NCLEX-PN Exam under the new state's testing guidelines.
You will also be required to complete a licensing application for your new state and pay their current licensing fees. Finally, many states require you to take a licensing exam and/or a jurisprudence test before you can obtain a licensed vocational nurse license in their jurisdiction.
Transferring your LVN license to another state is much easier than you may think. In most cases, you can easily transfer your license to your new location through a process known as reciprocity. Through this process, you can obtain licensing in your new state quickly and with a minimum of hassle.